Church life is about so much more than Sundays!! Small groups are a wonderful way for everyone to grow together in their relationship with God: to disciple and be discipled, to develop your gifts and talents, to support one another, to welcome new people into a journey with Jesus and to learn more about what being church family looks like.

These groups will be running on a termly basis and you can SIGN UP for the groups you'd like to take part in. There are limited spaces in some of the groups, so sign up quickly if you’ve already decided what you’d like to try.

Some groups run on a weekly basis, others fortnightly. Each group has laid out its pattern of meeting, venue, day and timings.

The desire of every group leader is to build and develop a discipling culture within their group, this comes with consistency of the same people being at each session and a growing sense of relationship and trust over the weeks. With this in mind we would really like you to consider carefully the kind of time commitment you are able to make and only sign up to a group you will be available to attend on a regular basis. Don't worry if you try a group for a couple of weeks and it's not your cup of tea, there is space for some switching around as we start off, but we hope you will find a place you feel at home in one of our groups within the first few weeks.