We Give As Part of Our Worship

We believe that giving is part of our worship. It should be something we do freely and joyfully and shouldn’t be done out of fear or out of an obligation. We believe that God blesses us richly with what we have so that we may bless others.

We Give to Support The Vision

Being salt and light in our city involves many things. We support several charities and ministries across Worcester both with our time and with our finances.

We Give As Church Partners

If you are a church partner we would love to invite you to give regularly and set up a regular standing order.

Choose the method below that suits you, or alternatively contact our church office to arrange regular giving.

If you are a UK tax payer, please do complete a Gift Aid form, available here online or paper versions on the back of our Giving Envelopes which you can get from the church office or the Welcome stand on a Sunday morning. This allows us to reclaim the tax paid on your donation, at no cost to you.


regular standing orders and one-off giving

Bank Transfer

You can set up a standing order or one off payment using the following account details:

Account name: City Church Worcester

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account number: 00018084

If you can, add a reference. Please put your first name followed by “giving”.


You can give online here: citychurchworc.churchsuite.co.uk/donate

Sunday gathering and other one-off giving


To give via text, send the word “CCWGIVE” followed by the amount to 70470 (up to £20), e.g. CCWGIVE 10 to send £10

The text will cost the donation amount plus one standard rate message.


To give via card, use the SumUp machine at the back of the hall during a Sunday gathering, or in the office at other times.

Cash and Cheque

Finally you can still give via cash & cheque by putting them in the collection basket during a Sunday gathering.

If you wish to write a cheque, make it payable to 'City Church Worcester’.

If you are a taxpayer then pop your donation in an envelope before you place it in the collection basket.